Shocked and perplexed she sputters "Explain what?" She asked
"Why you aren't wearing a bra, you must've been naked when the door bell rang".
Warmth came to her cheeks again. "How can you tell I'm not wearing a bra?" She asked as she spooned coffee into the mug
"I could feel your nipples and the way your tits spread against me,waw!"
She whirled around, her cheeks flushed "Vijay, I want you to stop using those obscene words!"
"You are not to direct such words at me!"
He blinks and said "tits, boobs, breasts these aren't obscene words, it's on the dictionary ".
"Well, just because it's there doesn't mean you should say it "
As she turned away from him,he remarked, ''I don't remember you being so prudish, I guess marriage did change you"
"And I don't remember you being so, so....
"Yes, Vulgar "
He let his eyes sweep down her back to the full mounds of her ass. He inquired "Does Manik ever used these types of words?"
"Of course not! At last, not to me"
"How do you talk when you're in bed? Do you say, 'put your penis into my pussy, daddy?" He laughed.
She plugged in the percolator with an angry flourish. Her cheeks continue to glow. " Vijay, I don't want to discuss my sex life with you. Its not decent for brothers and sister to talk about those things.
"Okay, don't get ticked off".
Besides we're dur ke brother and sister sister! Remember that now and for the future
"Just what are your plans?" She asked coolly, though her cheeks still feel warm
"My plans? Oh you mean about college?"
She got down a box of dry cereal and a bowl "that, and where you're going to live?"
"I want to stay here in delhi. As for college, I don't dare to go back. I'm just screwed, I guess, unless I can get into another college"
She frowned over the use of "screwed" words but she supposed it fell into the category of slang. Anyway, she thought, his problem was her main corner at the moment.
"Have you told your maa and papa about your trouble?"
"You gotta be kidding "
"So, they think you are still in college, huh?"
"I suppose"
*Isn't the college likely to get in touch with them?" She asked as she stepped to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of milk
"Maybe. Now that's why I have to hide out for a while, until it all blow over"
"But Vijay, you have to tell your mom and dad where you are. They will be worried for you"
"Quit bugging me, will you?" he demanded sharply. Then he flashed her a quick grind and his tone softened
"Things are bad enough without my big sister giving me hell besides"
"I'm sorry," she said in a small voice
She proceed to eat her breakfast. As soon as the coffee was ready, she poured it for Vijay and herself
They talked about old times. But there was something that trouble Sumitra. Her brother seemed different. and the way he acted towards her made her nervous. He kept watching her with that strange glint in his eyes. This was the first time they had been alone together since she was married, and she felt uneasy.
After she had finished eating, they walked into the living room
"This is a nice place," he said "you and I can get along just fine here"
She looked directly at him and spoke in a serious tone
"Vijay, I'd like to have you stay here. You know that. But don't you think you'd be more comfortable somewhere else, where you can have more.... space?"
He grinned "I figured I can have all the space I want right here, anyway, I don't have any money so, unless you could be so cruel as to leave your little brother stranded"
"I could help you out until you get a job"
"Hell, I don't want to take a job. I'm hoping to get into another college. If I can make it, I'll be here until then -
may be a couple of weeks "
Sumitra swallow Hard
"Come on " he stepped over and drew her into a loose embrace "you know you'd like to have me around "
He moved his hand slowly up and down her arm, and the caress made her skin tingle. He was big and handsome, not at all like the roughneck of little boy she remembered. She began to get a giddy feelings as she stood close to him
"What's the matter with you?" an inner voice demanded. He's your brother
"Cousin brother" another voice chipped in....
Panic seized her, and she pushed him away. He narrowed his eyes and studied her reaction,a grin playing along his firm, handsome lips.
"You're gonna let me stay here, sis , you want me to stay. I'll be a good company for you"
"But Vijay..."
"No arguments now, or I'll take you across my knees and give you a spanking. I'm not your baby little brother any more. I've grown up "
That certainly was true, she realized, and it accounted for the strange way she felt about having him in her house. But he is still her cousin brother either small or big and she assured herself that there was no reason to feel uneasy in his presence. She believe she wouldn't have had such a crazy sensation if it weren't for the fact she was starved for Manik s cock
"All right, Vijay you can stay"
He grinned broadly "that's my girl! Hey do you mind if I go in and take a shower?"
"Go ahead" she told him "Take a towel from the closet" she pointed
He gave her a wink and followed her instructions
As she listened to the sound of the shower, she moved about the apartment putting things in order. It would be good to have company, she decided, she didn't know any one in delhi except for a couple of the other tenants in the apartment house and she wasn't really close to them. She and Vijay had grown up playing together
How silly of me, she thought,to be afraid of having him here!
The shower stopped running. She was dusting and cleaning the TV when she heard the bathroom door open. She glanced up
Vijay entered the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. A few droplets glistened on his manly chest. Again she felt that strange sensation of pleasure as she looked at him
"I forgot to get some clean clothes from my bag" he explained as he picked up the suitcase
She watched him carry it to the sofa. As he puts it down,it rubbed against his body, and the came undone. It dropped to the floor
Sumitra's eyes widened as she stared at her brother nude body. She had a side view of his hard like cock dangling in front of his balls. His cock was every bit as large as Manik's perhaps larger
Crimson red creeps into Sumitra's cheeks, and she averted her eyes, her heart thumping
"Hey, I'm sorry" Vijay said with a laugh aa he went to pick up the towel
He glanced at his sister and though she was partially turned to the other way,he could see the redness of her cheeks. Holding the towel around him,he walked over to her.
"See something you liked, didn't you?"he asked in an intimate tone.
"I did not!" She maintain vehemently, still facing away from him
"Now will you please take your clothes and go into the bedroom?"
Her body was filled with a mad emotions that she couldn't control. She suddenly felt hot between her legs. Her nipples goes hard against the fabric of her dress
Vijay placed his hand on her back and quickly slid it down to caress her rounded butt. The feel of her and the thought of what he wanted to do,sent blood rushing into his cock, congesting it's tissue and causing the virile tool to lift. It pushed the towel forward
Sumitra twisted her body and attempted to slap his hand away. But he grabbed her around the butt with one hand and held her shoulder with the other. As he turned her into his embrace, the towel fell to the floor for the second time, and his hot cock stuck nakedly upward between their bellies.
Sumitra's senses reeled as she felt the warm right dick pulsating against her. She looked down and saw the head of his cock, which was rosy with desire, she kept thinking, this is your brother - your little brother Vijay! But her feelings were anything but sisterly towards him at the moment, and this fact aroused a rushed of guilt which mingled with her desire
The guilt became her dominant emotions and she fought him
"Vijay, what's the matter with you?" She demanded as she struggle against his encircled arms "we can't do this!"
"Sure,we can, sis!" he said "you want to, I want to and we are grown up - so why shouldn't we?"
She was amazed by his attitude. He didn't sound like her brother at all. She was even more amazed by her own internal response but she continues to struggle
The matter has progressed too far for Vijay to permit it to be stopped. Anyway,it was clear to him that she didn't want to stop it, regardless of what she said or did
He swung her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. She thrashed about but this didn't force him to put her down,it merely cause her skirt up to her waist, uncovering her pink panties. His cock pushed up against her thinly clad butt cheeks and this gave extra excitement to both of them
"Vijay,stop it!" she cried. "Ohh, please!"
But he laughed and continued towards the bed. He dropped her onto the mattress and her skirt below her waist line
He ger to his knees besides her, his big cock straining erect. She couldn't help but thrilled at the sight of how huge and hard his rod was. But her shock and shame at what was happening remained
She tried to assure herself that Vijay was only teasing her, that he had no intention of actually fucking her. Such a thing between a brother and sister seemed unthinkable to her
He kept laughing as he wrestler her into submission, his heavy cock whacking her thighs and hips as she struggle. Finally, she realized it was useless to fight as long as he held her this way, and she went limped, whining and panting.
He looked around for something with which to tie and gag her. The pillowcase seemed the only choice within reach. He grabbed a pillow, pulled the case from it, and rolled in into a thick rope.
Sumitra could have slid away from him then,if she had reacted quickly enough. But what he was doing with the pillowcase puzzle her, and she watched it. By the time he had revealed his intentions,it was too late for her to get away.
She was shocked when he pressed the improvised gag into her mouth. Excitement hammer through him as he pulled the pillowcase tight around the back of his sister's head
Now she knew that he wasn't teasing,he obviously intended to screw her,as unbelievable as it seemed
A terrible humiliation came over her. She kicked and struck at him as she cried and mumbled against the gag. But his vastly superior strength enabled him to hold her in place while he striped the case off the pillow.
He turned his struggling sister onto her stomach, and held her legs together, folding them over her butt. He managed to gather her arms close to her ankles, and he looped the pillowcase around her ankles and wrists. But he didn't draw them together tightly enough to hurt her though she could continue to writhe, she couldn't roll over her way off the bed.
He straightened up onto his knees. He was breathing hard and his eyes glinted as he grinned down at her.
", There you are, dear sister," he said in a Deep husky voice. "How do you like, that,huh,?"
He watched her ass cheeks vibrate erotically in her filmy pants, and his cock jerked higher
His cock was so hard,the veins popping it looked so monstrous in size and was very red,pre cum oozed out the small hole at its tip and washed down the side of the shaft.
"You'll like this before I'm through with you",he promised. "I'll make you really groove on it!, You're gonna love old Vijay like you never did before!" He laughed.
Sumitra was gripped by such terrible fear, Shame and excitement that she felt she was going to faint. She remained concious and stared wide-eyed over her shoulder, focusing on her brother's awesome cock.
His rod twitched and exuded another thick drop of moisture as he placed his hand on the seat of her panties and wobbled her bouncy butt back and forth. His balls were drawn up tautly at the base of his up thrust, quivering shaft.
His method of tying her was quite easy to remove. Sumitra could escape but a part of her couldn't bring herself to move
Sumitra watched his every movement. She continually made sounds against the gag, but those sounds weren't ones of refusal or denial but ones of anticipation......
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